(Special thanks to Lane Montgomery for providing so many of the "then" and "now" photos you see in this blog. We still have some more editing to do here, so watch for updates.)
Hyrum Chase and Lillian Cummings Home-86 West 200 South 84032
The old home where Maxine and many of her siblings were born was torn down and a local business is now located there.
They lived here from 19... until 1936 when they moved to Salt Lake City.
Across the street is a park where once stood the Wastach High School, Seminary Building and Football field. Hyrum did all the plumbing for the old High School (no longer there).
Old Heber City High School was across the street from the Moulton Home. |
Old Moulton Garage on Main Street in Heber City, UT |
The Moulton Ford dealership was located just north of where the Old Library (now DUP Museum at 190 S. Main) is now located. (Note the Chick’s Cafe—the space between the Cafe and the Library that was once the Old Moulton Garage.)
Moulton Garage once stood in the space between Chick's Cafe and the Old Library. |
Margaret Lillian Cummings Moulton was the first woman to drive a car down Main Street in Heber. Grandma M. Lillian Moulton would often go down to Salt Lake City to pick up a new car for someone and drive it back to Heber. Imagine the old Model T cars with narrow tires going up the canyon roads up through Parley’s Canyon—no heater, no auto window, no car seats.
Elisha Jones Cummings and Hannah Mary Clegg Home-190 So. 3rd West, Heber City, UT 84032 (200 West 200 So. NW corner)
Elisha Jones Cumming and Hannah Mary Cummings Home |
Cummings Home in 2013 |
—first indoor plumbing in Heber was put into this home by Hyrum Chase Moulton (their son-in-law).
Lillian Cummings Moulton was born here in the parlor (SE corner room with 2 windows)
Elisha and Hannah were married in the Logan Temple in 1887. They traveled by wagon to Park City and then went by train to Logan.
Elisha Jones Cummings was a member of the original City Council when Heber became a city in 1902. Chaired the Republican party and Wasatch County Commissioner from 1907 to 1919. Also director of Heber City Bank for 20 years.
Henry Clegg and Margaret Ann Griffiths Home- 100 West 300 So, Heber City, UT (NW Corner) 84032
Clegg Home on NW corner of 100 West 300 South |
Margaret Griffiths was 16 when she crossed the plains in the Willie Handcart Company. She was taken in to the home of Henry Clegg of Springville, UT following the trek where her father and two brothers died. Later Margaret was sealed to Henry Clegg as his second wife in Salt Lake Endowment House. You can see the note Brigham Young signed giving Henry permission to marry Margaret.
Later, Henry Clegg moved with his wives to Heber City. He became the beloved Bishop of the 2nd Ward (The old 2nd ward building is now used by St. Lawrence Catholic Church 100 W. Center Street.) The funeral and procession from the Tabernacle for Bishop Clegg was quite an event. Find out more at cleggfamilyhistory.org where most Clegg family documents are located.
Thomas Moulton and Sarah Denton Home-190 West, 200 North, Heber City, UT 84032
Thomas had a log cabin home in the original Heber Fort in 1859 on the south side.
Red denotes location of Thomas Moulton Family in Old Heber Fort. |
The old Moulton home was listed for sale for $295,000.00 in June of 2011. Pictures are still online of the interior. (1480 square feet; two bedrooms; 1 bathroom; Taxes $1011.00)
Thomas Moulton home is one of Heber City's oldest homes. |
Isaac Cummings and Sarah Jones- First West and Third North
These ancestors were in the original Heber Fort. Still need to research on which corner their home was located. The family lived in Provo until 1858 and then came to Wasatch County with their own sheep (300) and other people's sheep (1500) until they had a flock that number 1800 head!
John Cumming and Rachel Canarda-West Main and First North
John Cummings was one of Joseph Smith's body guards. Isaac Cummings was his son. This family left Nauvoo in 1846 and lived in Kanesville, Iowa for a few years before arriving in Provo in 1852. The family were sheep herders and saw the potential for grazing in the Provo Canyon (later Heber Valley) area. West Main and First North was the Cummings first home after moving out of the fort. The family joined Isaac Cummings (son) in the Heber Valley in 1861.
Joseph Moulton home is now “Granny’s” (Hamburgers and Shakes) on East Side of Main Street--511 S Main St, Heber City, UT 84032
Joseph had 3 wives: Lizzie Giles (8 children), and two Danish sisters, Annie Jensen (6 children) and Jensine Marie Jensen, known as Mary (8 children). Some of the family went to Mexico for a year to escape Federal Marshals who were enforcing the Edmunds Tucker Act prohibiting "unlawful cohabitation". Joseph spent a couple of days in Salt Lake Jail in 1885 for practicing polygamy.
Three wives of Joseph Moulton. Annie, Lizzie, and Mary Moulton. |
Social Hall (behind Tabernacle at 100 West 100 North)
is where the family, especially Hyrum and Lillian Moulton loved to dance on the spring loaded floor. Timpanogos Valley Theater Group is now using it. The spring loaded floor is still spring loaded, but the stage now covers half the floor. See: http://timpvalleytheatre.com to see what productions are playing.
Social Hall |
1990 Moulton Reunion. Maxine Webb and Ralph Owen practicing the Heber Hop on the spring loaded floor. |
Wasatch County-Heber City Tabernacle-100 West 100 North
The Heber City Administration Offices are in what was once the old “Tabernacle”. Look for framed pic of Thomas and Sarah Moulton on the stairwell going up to the second floor. Cummings, Clegg, and Moulton family funerals were often held here.
Historic Wasatch Stake Tabernacle built in 1889. |
Old Wasatch Tabernacle interior. |
Central School on Main Street (400 South-East side of Main Street)
This is where most of the Moulton children attended school until they moved to SLC in 1936.
(School burned down in 1924 and the one you see replaced it.)
North Elementary-300 North turn East to 100 East—
Moulton children walked here for a while—when the new school was being built
Old Heber City Hospital-100 West 100 South-I need to collect some stories about this old building.
City Park (Main Street between 200 and 300 South) has historic plaques with our "famous" relatives names on it. Thomas Moulton & Isaac Cummings families lived inside the Heber City fort the winter of 1859-1860. There was a school house built within the fort. 40 feet long and twenty feet wide with fireplace in each end and a stage 10 x 12 on the west side.
Heber City Park |
Wasatch Mountain State Park in Midway is located on property that once belonged to Cummings Family who were sheep ranchers. It was Clay Cummings, Lillian Cumming Moulton’s brother, who worked so hard to get it preserved as Utah State Park lands.
Great public golfing and nice campgrounds...thanks to ancestor, Clay Cummings. |
LDS Heber Valley Camp is on property donated by Veigh Cummings, Maxine’s uncle. The approach road bears his name.
Heber Valley Camp |
Weiss Family had their 2013 Family Reunion at this Camp. |
Heber City Cemetery-Go to 500 N. then to 550 East and go North to reach the Heber City Cemetery.
See how many of your ancestors you can find here:
Making a grave rubbing during 1997 Reunion at Heber City Cemetery |
Henry Clegg Jr.
Margaret Ann Griffiths Clegg
Elisha Jones Cummings
Hanna Mary Clegg
Sara Jones Cummings
Isaac Cummings
John Cummings
Rachel Ann Canada Cummings
Thomas Moulton
Sarah Denton Moulton
Henry Clegg
Ellen Cardwell Clegg
Jensine Marie Jensen Moulton (tombstone reads “Mother Mary J.”)
Joseph Moulton
(Also, Maxine Moulton Owen Webb’s sister, Norma Moulton Montgomery, (Lane’s mother) is buried here.)
Don't forget to check out the Historic Heber Valley Railroad! 450 So. 600 West
We had an Owen Family Reunion in 1997 when we all danced on the Heber Creeper. |
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